Leadership Diagnostic workshop
Description of the program
What are the challenges facing you as lead of your team? How would you improve your leadership and management style to be more effective?
The focus of the workshop is on answering the above questions, by asking your team what you can do better and how to do better.
The workshop should be attended by homogeneous work teams, that work together in order to achieve set KPIs.
The workshop is interactive and is dependent on the teams to discuss openly in regards to their perception of the current leadership/ management style of their HOD/ Organisation.
All feedback will be analysed for root cause and categorised. Feedback will be presented to the relevant HOD for development purposes. The feedback from this workshop should be coupled with the Leadership Assessment results for a holistic approach to development of eldership skills.
Teams will leave the workshops with a better understanding of the challenges their HOD and Organisation’s leadership is facing.
Teams will also realise that their Leaders are serious in taking steps forward to understand, how to improve their work environment and culture.
The workshop will be the first step in creating an open communication style to create a “We” culture and not a “I” culture.
0.5 day.